
Please contact us to get a quotation price for each services required

Products & Solutions

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Our team is dedicated to provide an outsourcing accounting job using the best software approved under the Accounting Standards in Malaysia.

Compliance & Payroll

Our team is determined to advise on the compliance of Payroll Regulation in Malaysia

Business Performance Monitor

Our team is always ready to advise our clients to entirely growth and sustain in the global business market.

Company Secretary

Our team will ensure our client to comply every regulation in Companies Act, 2016 and update client with the latest news from Companies Commission of Malaysia.

Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA)

Our team is dedicated to ensure our client declare Beneficial Ownership and comply with the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA)

Our Pricing List

Secretarial   |   Accounting   | Incorporation 

Secretarial fees

RM 70
  • Secretary named in the Section 58, Companies Act 2016
  • Act as an agent and advisor for company to comply the Companies Act 2016
  • Remind client on lodgement of Annual Return every anniversary calendar year of the company.

Accounting Fees

RM 50
  • Recording of full set of account using an Accounting Software in accordance with Malaysian Accounting Standards.
  • Provide all type of ledgers, balance sheet, trial balance, Income Statement and Bank Reconciliation

Incorporation fees

RM 2500
  • Name search reservation of Section 27(1)(4), Companies Act, 2016, fees of RM 200 as deposit
  • Final Incorporation process, fees of RM 1010.00 to SSM.
  • Inclusive of 1 Opening of Bank Account document & 2 Company Profile set Certified True Copy by Company Secretary
Other Services

Ministry of Finance

RM 1600
  • Application to MOF
  • Inclusive 10 Business Code Title

Tourism License

RM 1500
  • Application to MOTAC
  • nbound, Outbound and Umrah License

Register of Society Act

RM 700
  • Registration and Draft of Constitution
  • Prepare first Minutes and Letters
Meeting Attandance

Board of
Director Meeting

( Physical / Virtual )
RM 200

General Meeting Annual /
Extraordinary General Meetings

( Physical / Virtual )
RM 1500


Our Clients Say

"A top service, really very great. One more star the moment you can be more sure of if the bread is crispy at the outside but soft in the inside."
Hazlina Abd Hamid
CEO of