How to

Register a new company

sdn bhd / private limited

Sendirian Berhad or private limited company, is a type of privately held small business entity. This type of business entity limits owner liability to their shares, limits the number of shareholders to 50, and restricts shareholders from publicly trading shares

What is A

Private Limited Company?

Sendirian Berhad or private limited company is a type of privately held small business entity. This type of business entity limits owner liability to their shares limits the number of shareholders to 50, and restricts shareholders from publicly trading shares

Sdn Bhd limited company registration is governed by the SuruhanJaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) under Companies Act 2016. To register a private limited company, a minimum of One shareholder and one director is required. A natural person can be both a director and shareholder, while a corporate legal entity can only be a shareholder. Further, foreign nationals, a foreigner can own 100 percent shareholdings and it make Malaysia a perfect choice to start your first foreign Company.

Unique features of a private limited company like limited liability protection to shareholders, ability to raise equity funds, separate legal entity status and perpetual existence make it the most recommended type of business entity for millions of small and medium-sized businesses that are family-owned or professionally managed.

We Wise Management Services can help your Register Sdn Bhd any types of companies in Malaysia. The average time taken to Complete Company Registration is about 3 to 7 working day, subject to government processiong time and client return the incorporation documents. What are you waiting for? Get a free consultation for a private limited Company by startup by scheduling an appointment with us.

Limited Liability
As company owners are not legally obliged to pay outstanding company debts beyond the value of the shares they hold it protects the personal assets (such as a home or savings) of the company owners should a business fail.
Professional status
Sdn Bhd company is typically seen as a more professional operation than an unincorporated sole trader. This is due to the transparent nature of the business accounts. Based on our experience Government tend dealing with Sdn Bhd companies rather than Enterprise
Protect your business name
When you incorporate your company its name is protected and other businesses cannot use the name or one that is similar when trading
Raising capital
You can raise additional capital by selling shares in your limited company to help invest and grow your business. The good news is that investors are also protected from the company failing and their risk is limited to the value of the shares they hold

advantages of a limited company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Well, As a limited company you’ll have a lot of administration things you need to knows. There is a solution to your overwhelming document overload. Hiring us as External Accountant can save you time and money, so you can continue to focus on the core of your business.
Paying corporation tax
Your business will be liable for corporation taxes, which is a tax on the profits of the business. Last year LHDN Tax Rates is 17 Percent.
Difficult To Close
Compare to Enterprise, Sdn Bhd is difficult to close. You need apply with SSM or voluntary winding up your company
Restricted Access to Capital Markets.
Unlike public limited companies, private limited companies are legally restricted from issuing their shares through an initial public offering. Company cannot offers it own shares to public.

of a limited company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

“Company name is heart of the company).”

Need help on establishing a sdn bhd company ?

Let us help you, we assist your registration until it’s officially established.